Darkness to Light: Saul to Paul
Just as Christ’s body lay in his tomb for three days, even so, for three days, a blinded Saul dwelt in darkness.
Brackish Water — do you know what that is?
Here on the Sound we have quite a few estuaries, these unique nurseries, where, with conditions that support the babies of the sea, life is borne. Here is life: rich, abundant, noisy…brackish.
The estuary is where the freshwater meets the sea. It’s where oxygenated, abundant nutrients are plucked from the soil, and the air, and the mud, and flow downward toward the Sound, arriving at last to the shallow inlet, mixing with seawater, turning, tossing, mixing itself into a stew rich and delicious, just right for life, spawning, messy, and new.
Brackish water: where freshwater and seawater meet.
Let’s increase the brackish water in this world, shall we? Let’s add the salt we’ve been given, and mix it in to the freshwater around us. May we be the salt God would have us be, and watch what God will do.
“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt should lose its taste, how can it be made salty? It’s no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.
Matthew 5:13
Just as Christ’s body lay in his tomb for three days, even so, for three days, a blinded Saul dwelt in darkness.
When God came down as a human baby, Light flooded this world like never before. His presence, His light, broke into this grim, dark world. The light of the world had arrived.
What an honor is ours, to enter the very throne room of God.
We paddled furiously, but we were no match for the sea.
David got it right. He knew where to run–headlong into the embrace of his forgiving God!
From our contrition, and through heartfelt confession, we are set free.