
O Holy Night

Night sky full of stars.

Our weary world rejoices, every Christmas Eve, every day we live, just to contemplate the wonder of such a wonderful God.

Troubling Lyrics

driftwood and rough seas

We sing to Him out of gratitude for Who He is and what He has done. In creating the world and all that is in it, the universe and the laws we will never understand, He demonstrated His supremacy and glory.

The Light of the World

Christmas Tree reflected off of wall

When God came down as a human baby, Light flooded this world like never before. His presence, His light, broke into this grim, dark world. The light of the world had arrived.

Refiners Fire

GUEST BLOG: Larry Eddings

The lyrics bring the worshipper into a place of relinquishment, humbly offering oneself to God.

Keep on Counting!

Smiling Ripley.

The song is a prayer, where the singer tells the Lord that he can’t even count high enough to name all the blessings from above.

Recalled to Life

Recalled to Life

It was so weird, waiting for someone else to die, so that he could live.