He is Worthy!
Are you familiar with this modern-day hymn, written by Andrew Peterson? (It was recently made popular by Chris Tomlin.)
Andrew Peterson is pretty amazing. Let’s let him introduce himself. (The following from his website.)
“Recording artist, songwriter, producer, filmmaker, publisher and award-winning author of The Wingfeather Saga, Andrew Peterson is also founder and president of The Rabbit Room, which has published thirty books to date and fosters community and spiritual formation through music, story and art.”
I like Peterson. In fact, I bought one of his CDs (this one), and look forward to reading his fiction.
Catechism, Anyone?
The format of this song reminds me of my Lutheran Catechism. Like most catechisms, it follows a traditional method of asking questions, and then providing answers.
That is what a catechism does.
Coming from the Ancient Greek word meaning, “to teach orally”, a catechism presents its teaching in a way whereby the student can easily memorize the doctrines.
Back in my formative years, it was this style of learning that helped cement those basic beliefs of our faith– the Lord’s Prayer, the Sacraments, the Apostles and Nicene Creeds, the Ten Commandments, etc.
The question he asks deserves an answer. And he provides one. There is plenty of scripture to back his claims!
Is He worthy?
And that’s the question for the ages. Is His worthy of our praise?
Even in this difficult situation, even in this?
Yes! Sing it!
Raise your sights to Him, scripture invites us. Lift up your voice and proclaim the truth, in the easy times, and especially in the hard.
Today’s addition to our practice of praise is a timely reminder: our Lord Christ is worthy, indeed.
The Scene in Heaven
The lyrics bring us into the scene in heaven on that future day, when our King Jesus, sitting at the right hand of God, has the authority to “break the seal and open the scroll”.
Is anyone able to break the seal and open the scroll?
The Lion of Judah who conquered the grave
He is David’s root and the Lamb who died to ransom the slaveAndrew Peterson
The words reference the great scene Heaven recorded in John’s Revelation. Please open your Bible and turn to Revelation chapter five. Read the whole thing!
To get a sense of what is happening there, and the significance of each element, turning to Bible scholars can really help our understanding.
After you’ve read the passage, enjoy this brief explanation from Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary:
…Thus the opening of the seals will mean the successive steps by which God in Christ clears the way for the final opening and reading of the book at the visible setting up of the kingdom of Christ. Compare, at the grand consummation, Revelation 20:12, “Another book was opened … the book of life”; Revelation 22:19.
None is worthy to do so save the Lamb, for He alone as such has redeemed man’s forfeited inheritance, of which the book is the title-deed. The question (Re 5:2) is… Who has the WORTH to give man a new title to his lost inheritance? [De Burgh].
[For more background and insight into this amazing book (the theme of which is not actually the end times nearly as much as the Supremacy of the Lord Jesus!) check out Biblehub.com, enter in the passage you are interested in, and read the various Bible commentaries provided for free.]
UK Singers Bless During Pandemic
Please enjoy this treat, published on YouTube during the pandemic. Somehow, these extraordinarily ordinary British Christians singing this song to each other and to us, fills me joy! I hope you are blessed, as well.
Enjoy a deepening sense of community with the world-wide Body of Christ, His church universal. Christians soar with joy as we sing this song, because it is a reminder of Who is on the throne, and Who will one day come back in power to reign forever.
We need this. Powerful during the lonely pandemic, it has not lost its impact today.
Usually, I like to offer lyrics videos. (In that way, there is less distraction.) However, today’ video is a treat for the eyes!
Try to open it on a tablet or laptop, and enjoy the many faces singing with you today.